Who are Dan&Ryan?
Dan Sonenberg and Ryan Doyle have created comedy together for over a decade, blending sketch comedy, clowning, poetry, and experimental theatre. Their irreverent yet heartfelt style explores themes of spirituality, disillusionment, and connection.
They’ve created over a dozen original shows including the sketch revue Titans of Industry, the immersive play Camp Sometimes, and the variety show Discount Party.
This November they will be launching their new work in progress show 50/50, which they hope to take on tour in 2025.
50/50 is 50% Dan and 50% Ryan, 50% child and 50% adult, 50% sketch comedy and 50% clown. The show explores the loss of the inner child entering adulthood, and, through healing, its inevitable recovery, which, like all things in life, has a 50/50 chance of happening: either it will or it won’t.
Discount Party at Whim Chicago
Clips from shows 1 through 7.
Chicago Sketch Comedy Festival
Dan & Ryan’s 2020 Sketch Revue: “Titans of Industry”